Card highlight
In this article, I'll introduce Noteey's card highlight feature. As cards are the most basic and active units in Noteey, card highlight is very important.
Whether it's text you've input, imported Markdown, or articles copied from web pages, this feature can help you easily highlight key content and break down long articles into truly valuable content.
Basic Highlights Operations
How to add highlights to cards:
Want to highlight specific text? Just select it and click the highlight button in the option menu
You can highlight different content with different colors; hover over the highlight button to see color options and you can choose the color you want
If you want to highlight an entire paragraph, you can do it simply with one click through the Block menu
You can also highlight an image block or a todo item block
All highlights are automatically stored in the library for easy viewing and organization
You can add a note to any highlight to record your thoughts and reflections
Managing Highlights in the Library
Each highlight is an independent entity in the library. There are several powerful features here:
You can view each highlight and quickly locate the source file of it.
Highlights Management is also convenient - you can drag to select multiple highlights, add tags to them, or add them to a project.
Using Highlights in Canvas and Cards
Open the right side panel and drag and drop the card highlights onto canvas.
Double-clicking an highlight on the canvas will open the source card and automatically locate the corresponding position.
Using highlights in cards and journals is also convenient.
Similarly drag&drop from the right side panel, and there are two display modes available:
Mention mode: displays as link
Embed mode: displays complete highlight information
Through the combination of these features, you can easily handle the challenge of organizing long texts and make complex information more accessible.
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